Imagine you have a car that can drive on its own, where you can sit back, relax, and let your car do its own job. Amazing right? Well, they exist. Yep, this driverless car is actually a product and invention of Google. They are previously called Google driverless car, now known as Waymo.

How? Well that’s the beauty of Internet of Things (IoT). The objects are interconnected with the Internet that provide the information and data needed for the objects to operate.

In this blog, I am going to focus on one thing that I learn when I was in my secondary school, which is the use of IoT in greenhouses. As we all know, we cannot monitor the growth of the plants for 24/7, and we need the help of computer to monitor and adjust the settings properly.  Hence, sensors are implanted in the greenhouse to help monitor and create necessary adjustments.

How it works?

With Wi-Fi, the sensors are connected to the Cloud (where all the objects in the greenhouse are connected)
The sensors detect the current temperature and humidity in the greenhouse, and the readings are then compared to the ideal temperature and humidity of a greenhouse. If the readings are way too off compared to the ideal ones, necessary steps will be taken in order to fix the problem. For example, when the temperature is too high, the sensors will send instructions to the objects connected to the cloud such as the roof vents, to be opened in order bring the temperature down, and when it is too low, the roof vents will be closed.

I really think that this invention is cool and useful to the society! When people are busy, we can only depend on technology to help us.



  1. Woah that looks so cool! But at the same time, this means that we need less manpower to maintain the greenhouse and this could mean that we are losing our jobs to the machines unfortunately :( Oh well, every invention has its pros and cons.

  2. I agree with Virginia that this could lead to job lost and also humans becoming more lazy. There could also be error that could results in accidents which might cause severe outcome. So I still believe there should be a moderation between the use of machine and humans.


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