Google, Microsoft, and Apple.

The three companies that have offered us a lot of things we did not ever think we want. I supposed that with the popularity they get and the contribution they gave to create a better Internet for us, it is just right that we discuss a bit about them.
However, I am going to focus more on Apple just because I have used their product since long time ago. (AND I’M LOVIN IT)

Apple Inc. was founded in 1976 to develop and sell personal computers. Steve Jobs, the man behind all these marvelous inventions, named their company based on the fruit that he liked to eat. He created the Macintosh in 1984, after getting kicked out from his other project due to infighting. In 2007, they decided to shift their focus to consumer electronics, with iPhone as their first invention after the announcement. This was then, the beginning of Apple popularity.


Out of all the products that they launched, iPhone is definitely my favorite. My first iPhone was the iPhone 5s, and I still remember how happy I was when my parents gave it to me as a birthday present. I used it for 3 years, and it worked perfectly fine, until I dropped it from the second floor of my house… SAD. However, now that I have a new iPhone 7, I am more than happy!

SO, here are some fun facts about iPhone that you might find amusing:

1. According to BMO Capital Markets, there are now more than 700 millions iPhone user worldwide. That is equivalent to 1/10 of the world population!

2. App Store was the first online space to legally download an app.

3. All iPhones in the iPhone advertisement show the time 9:41, as it was the time that Steve Jobs unveiled the first iPhone.

4. When iPhone was still developed, it was named Purple.

5. Apple paid US$1 million to Michael Kovatch for the transfer of iPhone.com domain name
6. 22% people said that it was easier to text than make a call because of how iPhone presented SMS.

7. You can use your volume button to take a picture.
8. An Apple user in Japan started queuing for iPhone 6 seven months before it was launched.

9. Everything that you said to Siri will be sent to Apple. Be careful next time peeps! ;)

10. The retina screen of an iPhone is the most expensive part of the phone.

So what do you think of Apple? What about iPhone?

See ya!


  1. Personally, I feel that Apple products are a tad too overpriced and overrated. Although the functions of a MacBook are pretty cool, I feel that I don't really need such a high end and more expensive computer for my day-to-day use. As for iPhone, I also feel that it's too expensive and since it doesn't have memory card storage, I choose not to have an iPhone.

    On a side note, why would you throw your phone down? WHY?!

  2. I've been an Apple user for close to 6 years! I've got to say, once you gotten used to it, it is so convenient that you won't want to change anymore. Just like the trackpad for macbook. I admit Apple products are slightly more pricy but they are super long lasting as well. My first macbook is still working well (but maybe not as fast as before) despite being 6 years old this year! This could be one reason I will still be supportive of Apple products :)


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